Excellence in Diversity

We are thrilled to introduce the Excellence in Diversity Award this year.

This new state-based award recognises organisations that deliver accredited and non-accredited training, and demonstrate outstanding commitment to students and employees, helping them overcome significant barriers or disadvantage, and successfully participate in VET.

Meet all the finalists in the Excellence in Diversity category for the 2023 South Australian Training Awards – some truly ground-breaking organisations!

The 2023 Excellence in Diversity category is proudly sponsored by Mas.

FocusOne Health

FocusOne Health was established in 1994 and has evolved into a not-for-profit primary health care organisation, focusing on integrated, coordinated, local and responsive services in line with identified health and community needs.

Current funding from government and non-government sources enables FocusOne Health to target members of the community, and provide support for people with mental health, education, training and employment and drug and alcohol issues.

FocusOne Health offers a range of programs, including assisting individuals to pursue employment and education opportunities through their Adult Community Education program.

Regional Anangu Services Aboriginal Corporation

Regional Anangu Services Aboriginal Corporation (RASAC) is an Anangu Nation (Aboriginal) owned and governed, not-for-profit organisation delivering a range of services in the Aboriginal communities of the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands, in the far Northwest of South Australia.

It covers some of the most remote and disadvantaged communities in Australia.

RASAC has developed innovative training and development pathways that empower local Anangu workers to engage in meaningful employment and training, for nationally accredited qualifications.

Training resources and delivery is culturally appropriate, with resources translated and narrated in local Pitjantjatjara language.

RASAC wants to share their success with other organisations to achieve the vision of the Anangu Board, to ‘Improve the quality of life for Anangu on the APY Lands and create opportunities to improve sustainable outcomes for Anangu.’

Pooraka Farm Community Centre

Pooraka Farm Community Centre, located within the City of Salisbury, is a not-for-profit community centre, serving their local community for 30 years.

Its mission is to enhance community well-being through support services, education, and leisure opportunities.

The centre offers activities to foster social and educational development and deliver programs that enrich the diverse population in the region.

Activities and programs promote social well-being, personal growth, and pathways to further education, training, and employment.

These programs aim to develop student’s employability skills, literacy skills, fostering connections to industry that enable them to pursue opportunities in their community with confidence and a real drive to be successful.

Thebarton Senior College

Thebarton Senior College is the only New Arrivals Program provider for senior secondary students in Adelaide, and a specialist public sector secondary senior school and RTO.

The college delivers nationally recognised training in entrepreneurship and new business, workplace skills, construction, community services, info technology, study skills, and screen and media.

More than 1,000 students work towards SACE, VET qualifications or learning English at Thebarton Senior College each academic year.

Students are from diverse backgrounds and cultural groups, in three schooling sectors. Flexible timetables and study options allow them to combine enrolment at another school.

The college is a Department for Education preferred provider for VET school students, in a range of Flexible Industry Pathways, and an approved Department of Education provider, delivering training to school-based trainees across Adelaide and regional areas.