Apprentice and Trainee Supervision

Appropriate and effective supervision is vital for apprentices and trainees while undertaking their training and employment.

Supervision standards and ratios have changed to provide flexibility, within a determined ratio, to identify the level of supervision required, based on the skills and experience of the apprentice or trainee.

Employers are responsible for supervising and ensuring oversight and coordination of on-job training of an apprentice or trainee. On-job training must be by a skilled or qualified person in the competencies laid out in the agreed Training Plan. The work should be work relevant and appropriate to the trade or declared vocation.

If an employer delegates or assigns the responsibility of supervising or providing on-job training to any staff member (or contractor), the employer must make sure they understand and adhere to the requirements of the standard.

Find out more about the Traineeship and Apprenticeship Pathways (TAP) Schedule

The Traineeship and Apprenticeship Pathways (TAP) Schedule provides a consolidated list of occupations that have been declared under the South Australian Skills Act 2008 as trades (apprenticeships) or declared vocations (traineeships) in South Australia, and reflect what has been previously published in the South Australian Government Gazette. The TAP Schedule also identifies the qualifications that can be undertaken in conjunction with these apprenticeships and traineeships.

The South Australian Government provides financial support to Nominated Training Organisations for the training of many apprenticeships and traineeships, through the Department of State Development's Subsidised Training List.

For further information about the Subsidised Training List, please visit:

Eligibility conditions apply.