The South Australian Skills Act provides more flexible training options by expanding the scope of the trade and vocation declaration process. As well as vocational education and training (VET) qualifications, trades and vocations can potentially be aligned to higher education qualifications, pre-apprenticeships and pre-traineeships or skill sets.
We are currently working through expanding these pathways with a focus on higher education in the first instance. If you want to apply to have a higher education qualification-aligned trade or vocation considered by the South Australian Skills Commission, please contact us.
Applications to declare a trade or vocation must include all the relevant details, occupational outcomes, entry requirements, requirements for supervision, industrial arrangements and other details as outlined on the Trade and Vocation Declaration Proforma. The application will need to be signed by the applicant organisation’s Chair, Chief Executive, or other delegate, as approved by the Commission.
The applicant must consult with relevant stakeholders when developing an application, to provide evidence of industry demand in South Australia and broad support for the trade or vocation. At a minimum, applicants should consult with:
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Please complete this form in full, and email to for processing. For enquiries please call 1800 673 097.