Information for apprentices and trainees

Get the help and support you need

If you're undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship, there is support available to help manage your contract, resolve problems or get general advice. Whatever the question, there are people who can help you resolve the issue. If you're looking for support, you can contact the South Australian Skills Commission on 1800 006 488, or explore a few common queries here.

  • Your employer must be registered to employ apprentices. This is approved by the South Australian Skills Commission, and you can always check their status on the Register of Approved Employers list.
  • Your signed training contract will include the duration of your apprenticeship or traineeship including the probationary period. This is important information as there are different rules about cancelling the training contract outside of the nominated probationary period.
  • Employers, apprentices and trainees should be clear about the supervision and on-the-job training requirements throughout the training contract. Both parties should be clear about their obligations under the contract. If you are unsure, contact the South Australian Skills Commission on 1800 673 097.

The South Australian Skills Commission can help you:

  • change contact details
  • vary working hours
  • request credit towards your apprenticeship
  • withdraw from your training contract during the probationary period
  • suspend or terminate your apprenticeship
  • transfer to a new employer or a new training provider
  • apply for completion of your apprenticeship

If you or your employer wish to make any changes to your contract, you both need to fill in an application form and agree to make any changes to the training contract. The application will need to be approved by the South Australian Skills Commission before any variation comes into effect. This includes applying for an extension to your training contract end date or if you are seeking to transfer to a different training provider or employer. More information about making changes to your training contract can be found on the Skilled Careers website.

If you need a hand, we can work with you to make changes. You can discuss by contacting the South Australian Skills Commission on 1800 673 097.

  • Each industry and occupation has its own Award that sets out minimum employment conditions. Not all employers operate under an Award – some may be covered by an agreement or legislation.
  • Your training contract will state the Award or agreement you are employed under. Ask your employer for a copy of your Award or agreement to ensure you understand the pay and conditions that apply to your situation.
  • It is important that you know what to expect in your employment such as local business practices and WHS obligations. Ask your employer if you need further information. The guide for young workers may also assist in outlining some areas to consider. More information and resources can be found on the Fair Work Ombudsman website.
  • Your pay slip is a record of the wages you are paid and other entitlements (payslips, leave, allowances and superannuation). Access the Pay and Conditions Tool (Fair Work Ombudsman) to check your pay rates.
  • Your welfare is important. Find out information about safety and bullying on the Safe Work Australia website.
  • You must have a Training Plan that is agreed to by you, your employer and your nominated Registered Training Organisation and attend training on the scheduled dates
  • Prior to your enrolment, you and your employer will need to discuss whether your study will be assessed in the classroom and/ or in your workplace
  • Check whether you or your employer will be responsible for payment of the course tuition fees (often this will be outlined in your award). If you need help, contact us on 1800 006 488
  • Find out about Travel and Accommodation Allowances available for apprentices and trainees travelling to and from study if you attend classes. For more information, visit the Skills SA.
  • If you have previously completed a qualification talk to your Registered Training Organisation about recognition of prior learning or credit to reduce the amount of study you may need to complete under your apprenticeship or traineeship
  • Ensure you retain a copy of your enrolment agreement, the course you enrol within must match the course identified on your Training Contact and Training Plan
  • You are entitled to receive a copy of your course results. Talk to your Registered Training Organisation if you need a copy of your results or check your Unique Student Identifier record

Your apprenticeship or traineeship could provide you with an opportunity to gain state or national recognition of your achievements through various awards or competitions, including:

  • South Australian Training Awards

Talk to your employer about how you can get involved.

Access Success and Wellbeing Services

Is life getting in the way of your subsidised training? Are you finding it hard to keep up with your work and study? Or do you need a hand to move on to further work or study?

Success and Wellbeing Services can help you with your unique needs such as:

  • study and wellbeing support
  • financial support
  • family or relationship support
  • career support
  • accessing travel, cultural or childcare support.

Talk to your training provider about getting support to help you overcome barriers to your training. They can refer you to a Success and Wellbeing Services provider.

For more information visit the My Training website.

5 tips to get started

If you're not sure where to start with an apprenticeship or traineeship, here's 5 handy tips to get you started. You can also contact the Skills Infoline on 1800 673 097 to chat about your options.

Ask for a copy of your signed training contract from your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider (ACAP). Your ACAP is the first point of contact to start an apprenticeship or traineeship.

There are four ACAPs contracted to work in South Australia:

Check you have received a written notice from the South Australian Skills Commission to confirm approval of your training contract. If you need help, contact the Infoline on 1800 673 097.

Get a copy of your signed training plan from your training provider. It sets out the skills and knowledge you will obtain throughout the training contract, both at work and during your formal study toward the qualification.

Find out about financial assistance during your apprenticeship and toward your qualification. Get Support to Study

Find out about mentors available to assist you in your apprenticeship from your nominated Apprentice Connect Australia Provider (ACAP).

Get a copy of your Trade Certificate

If you’ve lost your trade certificate or certificate of competency, you can request a replacement. Visit the Skilled Careers website to find out more.