Industry Skills Councils

About Industry Skills Councils

Ten new Industry Skills Councils (ISCs) have been established to support the work of the South Australian Skills Commission and provide a mechanism for peak industry, employee and employer associations, to advise the Commission and government on skills, training and workforce needs.

The councils represent both the State’s key and whole of economy industry sectors and will ensure that industry has a direct say in how our training system can better support the South Australian economy as a whole.

The ISCs will contribute to the work of the South Australian Government by bringing greater industry definition to the key challenges and opportunities including improving vocation education and training completions, ensuring we are building the skills pipeline needed and supporting all apprentices and trainees to successfully complete their training.

Industry Skills Councils

  1. Agribusiness, Food and Wine / Beverages
  2. Construction and Mining
  3. Creative Industries, Arts, Finance, Technology and Business
  4. Defence and Space Technologies
  5. Early Educators, Health, Human Services, Sport and Recreation
  6. Electrotechnology, Energy, Gas, Renewables and Hydrogen
  7. Manufacturing and Automotive
  8. Public Safety and Government
  9. Retail, Tourism, Hospitality and Personal Services
  10. Transport and Logistics

The Industry Skills Councils largely align to the Commonwealth Government’s ten Jobs and Skills Councils.

Hear from ISC members

The ten new ISCs came together on 29 February 2024 as an opportunity to connect across industries and to be informed about their roles supporting the work of the Commission.

Their functions

The functions of the ISCs include, but are not limited to, the provision of strategic, technical, evidence-informed advice to the Commission on its functions with respect to the following provisions of the South Australian Skills Act 2008:

  • s6 – declaration of trades and vocations, including pre-apprenticeships or pre-traineeships, specified skills sets, higher qualifications.
  • s19(1)(a) – where aligned to the functions of the national Jobs and Skills Councils.
  • s19(c) – the preparation of the South Australian Skills Standards
  • Part 4A – the recognition of other trade and declared vocation qualifications and experience (not being qualifications obtained under a training contract).

Their role

The role of ISCs will include, but is not limited to:

  • engaging with regulators, businesses, unions, rural and regional stakeholders in matters relating to vocational education and training, higher educational and workforce development.
  • providing an efficient and effective resource for the Commission to gather current and future industry workforce training intelligence that supports the government’s strategic policies.
  • contributing to and assisting in the testing and validation of the Commission’s work, government policy and program initiatives.
  • contributing to the Commission’s focus on the future workforce and training needs of South Australia and being involved in projects that support the Commission’s work.

More information

Further information about the revised ISC model is available below:

  1. ISC Terms of Reference (ToR)
  2. ISC Structure 2024 (training packages and industry sector composition)
  3. Nominee Selection Criteria

For queries about Industry Skills Councils, contact the Office of the South Australian Skills Commission on phone 1800 006 488 or email