School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year

This award is presented to a student who is undertaking a Certificate II or above qualification as a part-time school-based apprentice or trainee. The award recognises the student’s commitment to their formal studies at school, and gaining skills through work.

Meet the finalists in the School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year category for the 2023 South Australian Training Awards – what a high-performing group of individuals!

The 2023 School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year category is proudly sponsored by the Department for Education.

Batool Taqaddusi

Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Training Provider: MADEC Australia

Employer: Happy Haven OSHC Pty Ltd (Out of School Hours Care

School: Thebarton Senior College

Batool arrived from Pakistan with limited English and overcame some hesitancy to successfully apply for a school-based traineeship in Early Childhood Education and Care at Happy Haven OSHC.

Creating activities to enhance students' skills and provide post-school entertainment has proved very fulfilling.

Batool is now employed as an educator at Happy Haven OHSC, and plans to pursue a Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care, for new career growth opportunities.

Working with children has been a profound experience, and Batool believes she can learn as much from them as she can teach them.

Liam Ramsay

Certificate III in Plumbing

Training Provider: TAFE SA

Employer: Master Plumbers Association of SA Inc

School: Brighton Secondary School

Liam’s interest in a hands-on career began at an early age. He has always enjoyed using tools and gets a strong sense of satisfaction building things from scratch.

Liam is enrolled in Certificate III in Plumbing with The Master Plumbers Association of South Australia, while training as a first-year school-based apprentice, working four days a week with SA owned and operated company Plumbing and Pipeline Solutions.

Furniture is another passion for Liam. He attends Brighton Secondary School once a week to study Furniture Construction, while working towards his South Australian Certificate of Education.

Liam enjoys working in teams, problem solving and communicating with clients – all well-developed transferable skills. He values the positive effects of his training, to build self-confidence and independence, and looks forward to applying all of his skills in his plumbing career.

Sofia Candido

Certificate III in Commercial Cookery

Training Provider: Adelaide Institute of Hospitality

Employer: Sneaky’s Restaurant

School: St Patrick’s Technical College

Sofia has always had a passion for food and cooking, preparing dinner for her family every night from the age of 12 and packing her lunches from 7 years old. She loved planning what to have, and watching the food network for inspiration.

Sofia completed a Certificate II in Kitchen Operations at her school, St Patrick’s Technical College (SPTC) through Adelaide Institute of Hospitality (AIOH).

When she moved to SPTC in Year 11, she already knew she wanted a career as a chef, and completing her certificate helped confirm it was the right career path for her.

After work experience at Sneaky’s Restaurant in Angle Vale, Sofia was offered a school-based apprenticeship there, continuing to this day, completing a Certificate III in Commercial Cookery. She attends training at the RTO Adelaide Institute of Hospitality (AIOH).

Sofia plans to make a difference as a chef. She knows this will take time, effort, and dedication – but she is committed to achieving her goal.

Sophie Orrock

Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology

Training Provider: TAFE SA

Employer: Tatiara Truck & Trailers Pty Ltd

School: Booleroo Centre District School

Sophie grew up around machinery on her family farm in Booleroo Centre in the Flinders Ranges and just moved to the other side of the state for her passion!

She undertook Certificate III in Rural Operations in Year 10, to build background knowledge in agriculture, and completed work experience with Tatiara Truck & Trailers on the Limestone Coast, where she now works.

She is finishing a school-based apprenticeship, and a Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology through TAFE SA.

Sophie’s skills in Automotive Electrical improve daily and she now works independently, diagnosing and solving problems. She is excited to share the new things she learns each week with family and friends.

Actively participating in her local area is important to Sophie. She believes the small things we do for each other build a community, and she looks forward to immersing herself in her new home of Bordertown.