Excellence in Diversity

This award recognises an organisation that has demonstrated outstanding commitment to supporting students and/or employees in overcoming significant barriers or disadvantage to effectively participate in VET.

Meet all the finalists in the Excellence in Diversity category for the 2024 South Australian Training Awards – some truly ground-breaking organisations!

Proudly sponsored by the SYC


Eastwood Community Centre

Culinary Capers, Get the Money Smarts, Digi Yarns, and Create a Blooming Career are some of the adult and community education programs offered by the Eastwood Community Centre (ECC), where lifelong learning is fostered in a caring, safe, inclusive, and non-discriminatory environment.

Programs are led in collaboration with industry experts, ensuring high-quality and relevant training. At the core of ECC programs, foundation skills development serves as a crucial first step back into learning.

Continuously refined in response to participant feedback, ECC programs achieve high engagement and positive outcomes. Individualised support and community integration generates increased confidence as learners apply their skills in the real world. Learners transition to further education or secure employment, or become actively involved in the community, boosting their social connections and support networks.

ECC is committed to making a significant and lasting impact on the lives of learners, contributing to a more inclusive and equitable society.

GOGO Foundation and Bradford Institute of Advanced Education

Co-designed by the GOGO Foundation and Bradford Institute of Advanced Education, their innovative and bespoke employment-readiness program integrates the Certificate II in Community Services with the GOGO Inclusive Work Program (IWP) to support women and non-binary people experiencing barriers to employment to move into safe and sustainable occupations in an industry with a strong demand for employees.

The IWP builds learner confidence and the capacity to undertake the Certificate II in Community Services. The program is delivered in small groups at user-friendly times on GOGO premises in an inclusive, accessible, and welcoming environment.

Actual and perceived barriers to training participation and completion are assessed and addressed; to build a supportive learning community and skills for successful workplace participation, a comprehensive, up front analysis of learner needs focuses on understanding values, strengths, and abilities.

The program respects learners’ lived experience as an asset in securing safe, sustainable, suitable, and fulfilling employment.

Morella Community Centre

Part of the Parafield Gardens and Salisbury Downs Community, the Morella Community Centre (MCC) develops flexible programs around the community’s vocational interests.

Level 1 programs, such as Developing Confidence in a Digital World, Learning in Everyday Environments – Cooking and Baking Skills, I Want to Work, and Introduction to Retail and Customer Service, reflect community demand and are contextualised to meet learner and cohort needs, including those of existing workers.

Learning, language, literacy, numeracy, and foundation skills critical for further education and training, employment, or self-employment are embedded in topics such as work health and safety, communication, food safety and hygiene, digital technology, and personal and professional community networks.

Level 2 programs, such as Commercial Kitchen Practices and Pathway to Children’s Services, develop key elements such as industry terminology, lead to vocational courses and industry-related experiences.

At MCC, practical activities scaffold learning and facilitate sharing of skills and knowledge among learners.