Industry Collaboration

The Industry Collaboration Award recognises collaboration driving exemplary skills development between at least one employer and/or industry body and at least one organisation delivering nationally recognised vocational education and training.

The winners of this award are nominated to enter a shortlisting process for the Australian Training Awards.

Eligibility criteria

The collaboration must:

  • have at least one party who is an industry organisation (e.g. employer, enterprise, group of enterprises, industry association, industry advisory body, trade union or professional association)
  • have at least one party who is delivering nationally recognised training or directly contributing to the outcomes of nationally recognised training that leads to formal qualifications or Statements of Attainment under the Australian Qualifications Framework.

Please note: organisations must demonstrate a genuine and shared agreement (either formal or informal) to cooperate and work together for mutual benefit. Collaborations typically will not include transactional or service delivery arrangements or partnerships where financial and cost arrangements are a defining characteristic.

Nominations will not be accepted from organisations operating under a contractual ‘partnership’ agreement.

Preparing your application

Section A: Overview

Provide an overview of the collaboration, including:

  • name of the collaboration
  • the lead organisation and each of the parties to the collaboration
  • the purpose and objectives of the collaboration
  • the origin of the collaboration (how the parties came together)
  • details of the environment in which the collaboration operates
  • how the collaboration functions in practice, including lines of communication between the parties.

(limit: 500 words)

This information will not be considered or used for judging purposes, but it may be used as your summary throughout the Awards process.

Section B

Applicants will be judged against the following criteria:

Describe the extent to which the collaboration goes above and beyond standard practice in VET and skills development.


  • the basis of the collaboration partners’ agreement that has proven to be successful
  • specific training and skills needs addressed by the collaboration
  • the exemplary or innovative aspects that are a feature of the industry collaboration.

Limit: 800 words


  • examples of excellence in training and assessment delivered via the industry collaboration
  • training outcomes achieved, including qualifications and skill sets awarded
  • improvements in the quality of learning, teaching/training and assessment that have been implemented
  • what, if any, new or improved career pathways and opportunities have been created.

(Limit: 800 words


  • how the collaboration has benefited the participants, the community, and the collaborating organisations and the broader training system
  • improvements in the processes/procedures of all collaborating organisations that have been implemented
  • contribution/s to social equity, especially increasing the participation of people from groups underrepresented in the industry or workplaces.

Limit: 800 words


  • the aspects, if any, of the collaboration that utilise government funding, and how the collaboration could be continued if government funding ceased
  • how the outcomes of the collaboration could be replicated or modelled for other industries
  • the quality improvements/performance evaluations of the collaboration that are in place and planned.

Limit: 800 words


Up to ten single A4 page attachments to be provided at a 100 percent ratio, with one document per page.

All attachments need to be referenced in the nomination.

Nominations are now closed for the 2024 South Australian Training Awards.

Key dates

  • 25 March - Nominations open
  • 24 May - Nominations close
  • June - July - Judging process
  • August - Awards finalists announced
  • 25 September - South Australian Training Awards Gala Presentation
  • October - Professional Development workshops for individual winners in preparation for the Australian Training Award
  • 6 December - Australian Training Awards, Canberra